Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Importance Of Reading Poetry - 1158 Words

When we hear the word â€Å"poetry† it often triggers associated thoughts we relate to poetry. Throughout history poetry had been a major influence of every art movement and is known to capture emotions better than any other art form. As an introduction to the arts culture, Once a person is comfortable with reading poetry they begin to reach out and explore other art forms. The appreciation of any art requires the same critical thinking and emotional awareness as poetry, making poetry a great first step toward enlightenment. Poetry has been known to unite readers and writers all over the world. While developing empathy poetry can trigger memories and to read poetry a reader must engage his feelings to receive the full effect. Discovering†¦show more content†¦God’s use of Hebrew poetry to reveal himself suggests the beauty and importance which should be drawn from not only poetry but God acknowledges all art forms.Approximately one third of the Old Testament is written in poetry. Many scholars consider the Book of Job to be not only thee greatest poem in the Old Testament but also one of the greatest poems in all of literature. Notable poets such as Walt Whitman became first recognized during the American Civil War. Poetry has made a major impact on civilizations during times of war and dispute. Poetry has become an outlet for â€Å"war poets† to recap on their experiences during time served in the war and express their thoughts. Once readers are moved by what conditions during a war really consist of and how devastating it can be more people were rally for peace and became united in their quest to end the war.Family members of fallen soldiers have found a sense of comfort from keeping the poems that were written by their relatives as a way of remembrance. During the war many written poems were published in newspapers making them widely available to more enthusiast. While war pamphlet hid the horror and distorted reality; war poem s shed light on the truth a informed many of the brutality of others experiences raising awareness and joining more in the anti war community. Medically, poetry has been proven have benefits as well. Memorizing lines of poetry can help reduce the effects of Alzheimers disease. ByShow MoreRelated Youth And Poetry Essay742 Words   |  3 PagesYouth and Poetry nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Poetry by definition is the art of writing that shows more imagination and deep feeling that ordinary speech. Poetry is a set of sensual words with deep meaning, but for some reason young people do not appreciate it. Hugh Maclennan states, quot;For without poetry these youths were poor.; He was referring to a group of teenagers he encountered, but this statement can be directed to the majority of youths today. Poetry is dead in our lives, and withoutRead MoreEssay about The Collected Poems of WB Yeats1619 Words   |  7 PagesYeats, B. William. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

It’s Better To Live In A Small Town Than A Big City Free Essays

Nowaday, People often have 2 selection for their living place. Some people prefer to live in small town and Others prefer to live in the big city. I think one of the most important decisions that human have to take is to choose his living place where you can feel more comfortable,more suitable and happier. We will write a custom essay sample on It’s Better To Live In A Small Town Than A Big City or any similar topic only for you Order Now Peronally, I think setting down in modern big city is more beneficial. Through my essay I will analyze one of the most important reasons which is Chance of having a better carreer. Big cities has bigger market, companies or corporations are more famous so of course you can have more chance to found a better work . I have a same age friend. He study IT in an university in Thai Nguyen city , It’s a city which smaller than Ha Noi capital. He graduated from a famous university but after 1 year in Thai Nguyen he still unemployed Because number of companies fewer means you will have less chance. There are too many student graduated from university each year but number of companies is only slightly increased. Many student together apply in to one company. Having too much CV of employees but employment in the company are limited so maybe you must to win hundred of people,who applied together with you in order to have employment in the company and my close friend can’t do that. After that I advice him to go to Ha Noi to find another chance and he agreed. He went to Ha Noi and applied to some companies. Amazing! Having 3 companies want to contract with him after only 2 months. He contracted with FPT corporation and work as a Software Specialist about computer. Now he still work there and feeling very happy when being a FPT’s staff. From this example we can see that there are more activities in big cities that help people to expose their chance. It is clear from the example that we can have better opportunities in big cities. In a nutshell, I am still positive living in big city is Hanoi where will allow me have better work chance. And I believe that many people will move to here for the same reason. How to cite It’s Better To Live In A Small Town Than A Big City, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Explanation of the Generic Strategies-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Identify and discuss the circumstances leading to the launch of the new product/service. Considering the two generic strategies of product differentiation and cost leadership, explain whether your chosen firm is adopting one or a combination of these strategies. Answer: Introduction Tesla Model 3 is an electric car which is manufactured by a company named Tesla. This is a sedan car with a range of 220 miles. The model has unveiled in the year 2016 and within a week around 325,000 people reserved the car. This model also has a self-driving hardware which the company plans to enable it in future. This study focuses on the identification of the circumstances that led to the launch of Model 3, explanation of the generic strategy, analysis of whether the company succeeded or failed in gaining the competitive advantage due to the launch of the new product (Lambert 2018). Circumstances that led to the launch of Model 3 Electric cars were never cheap to buy and it was not affordable so that the masses can buy it. Previously the Model S was the flagship product of the company that was providing more customization options, displays, acceleration, range. Model S was the safest car in its segment with an option for unlimited supercharging. Whereas, the company Tesla was unable to sell the product to the masses due to its cost. This resulted in the launching of the Model 3 which is simpler, smaller and more affordable electric care. Like the Model 3 is not the third iteration of the Tesla car line-up. Model 3 is more focused on the affordability and reach to the masses. Whereas, the Model S was designed to make it the safest electric vehicle (Tesla.com 2018a). Explanation/justification of the generic strategies For the justification or the explanation of the generic strategies, Porter's generic strategies are used for the study. The generic strategy formulated by Porter include the Cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Cost leadership includes the no-frills, differentiation is the creation of the desired services and products, and focus is the offering the specialized service in a niche market. Porter then divided the focus strategy into two different parts: differentiation focus and cost focus. The cost leadership strategy focusses on the gaining competitive advantage. In simple words, it can be said that development of an edge which will soar the sale in comparison to its competitors. this means increasing the profits by reduction of the costs, at the same time charging the industry average prices (Argyres and McGahan 2017). This strategy includes that the market share can be increased by charging low prices, this will make a reasonable profit out of reduced costs. The differentiation strategy focusses on the development of the services and the products that will be more competitive and attractive th an the market competitors. this can be done through the innovation, development and good research; the ability of the company to deliver high-quality services and products; effective marketing and sales so that the market can get the insight about the benefits that are being offered by the differentiated offerings (Tanwar 2013). Considering the Tesla company, the company itself applies the generic strategies in order to achieve or gain the competitive advantage against the other companies in the automotive industry globally. With respect to the porters generic strategies, the Tesla company focus on the usage of the advanced technologies in its related products and electric vehicles. It employs the advanced technology in its electric cars so to gain market advantage over the other companies like the Toyota Motor Corporation and General Motor Company, BMW, Nissan Motor Company, Honda Motor Company and Volkswagen. The company evolved strongly with respect other companies due to its strengths like strong control on the process of the production, highly innovative process, and strong brand (Tesla.com 2018b). The business strategies of the Tesla company and the strategies of the company CEO Elon Musk also gives it a competitive edge over other companies. The generic strategies of the company have enabled Tesla to attract the customers from all over the world along with gaining a competitive advantage in the automotive market (Sec.gov 2018). The strategy employed by Tesla can be broadly described as broad differentiation. Tesla gains the competitive edge over the other companies through the integration of the advanced environment-friendly technologies in its products. It can be understood from the fact thee the market is filled up with the combustion engines. Tesla emphasizes the uniqueness of its products with the focus mainly on the customers that would like to adopt the technology. Thus, Tesla only uses the product differentiation strategy (Tesla.com 2018b). Success or failure of Tesla The Tesla Model 3 is already a success because looking at the huge number of reservation which is around 373,000 and the CEO Elon Musk has also revealed that there is more advance reservation from 500,000 customers. The huge number of customer piling up their reservations for this electric vehicle is unprecedented and this goes to the credit of the company (Holley 2018). Conclusion From the above study, it can be concluded that the Tesla Model 3 is one of the biggest achievement of the Tesla company in terms of gaining the market advantage over its competitors. The Tesla company uses the product differentiation strategy to gain the edge over its market competitors. References Argyres, N. and McGahan, A.M., 2017. Introduction: Michael Porter's competitive strategy. Academy of Management Perspectives. 16(2). Holley, P., 2018. Heres what we know about Teslas Model 3. [online] Washington Post. Available at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2017/07/29/heres-what-we-know-about-teslas-model-3/?utm_term=.53cd0cc4d010 [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Lambert, F., 2018. Tesla Model 3 | Electrek. [online] Electrek.co. Available at: https://electrek.co/guides/tesla-model-3/ [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Sec.gov, 2018. tsla-10k_20161231.htm. [online] Sec.gov. Available at: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459017003118/tsla-10k_20161231.htm#Item_1 [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Tanwar, R., 2013. Porters generic competitive strategies. Journal of business and management, 15(1), pp.11-17. Tesla.com, 2018a. Model 3. [online] Tesla.com. Available at: https://www.tesla.com/model3 [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Tesla.com, 2018b. Master Plan, Part Deux. [online] Tesla.com. Available at: https://www.tesla.com/blog/master-plan-part-deux [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]